
Working together


(Welsh Only)

Cynllun Cydraddoldeb Strategol Ysgol 2024 - 2028

Cliciwch yma i weld y cynllun


Because the Head teacher also teaches, you are asked to phone the school to make an appointment and we will welcome you for a chat when practicably possible.

Your child’s educational development depends on the effectiveness of the co-operation between the school and home.

This is a two-way process.

We expect parents to spend time reading and helping their children with any homework or additional work organized by the school in order to further develop the child for the benefit of the individual.

Admission to Primary School


Healthy Lunchboxes

Healthy Lunchboxes


Click here for more information


The Childcare Offer for Wales

The Childcare Offer for Wales

Click here for more information


New resources for the children


Thank you very much to the Ysgol Sarn Bach Parents Association for donating over £6,000 to buy new resources for the children!

Click here to see the poster
